Why is My Video Marketing Not Working?!
- design, movie, Science and Technology, website
- 18 March 2024
Ah, videomarketing. It‘s like the GreatBritish BakeOff of the digitalworld: everyone‘s giving it ago, but not everyone‘s sponge is rising. You’ve pouredyour heart, soul, and possiblyyour marketingbudget into creatingwhat you thoughtwas the crème dela crème of videos, only to findit’s gone downlike a lead balloon. Before you throwin the toweland decide thatperhaps videomarketing isjust not yourcup of tea, let‘s have a natter aboutwhere thingsmight have gonepear-shaped.
1. Strategy? What Strategy?
Diving intovideo marketingwithout a planis like settingoff on a roadtrip withouta map. You mighthave a laughalong the way, but you’ll likelyend up lost inthe Lake Districtwithout a signal. A clear strategyis your sat navto success.
2. Mobile Optimisation: The Forgotten Hero
If yourvideo isn’t optimised for mobile, you’re essentiallyignoring halfyour audienceas they squint andpinch-to-zoom likethey’re tryingto decipher theRosetta Stoneon a Nokia 3310.
3. Creativity: Missing in Action
Your videohas less personalitythan a tea biscuit. Remember, creativity isthe sugar inyour tea; withoutit, you’re justnot as sweet.
4. Tone Deaf
If yourvideo’s toneis more mismatched than sockson laundry day, you’ll struggleto resonate withyour audience. It’s about findingthe right balance, like a perfectlymixed gin andtonic.
5. The Keyword Conundrum
Forgettingto use keywordsis like forgettingyour wellies atGlastonbury; youwon’t get veryfar. SEO is yourfriend, evenin the videoworld.
6. Social Media: The Wallflower
Not sharingyour video onsocial mediais akin to throwinga party and forgettingto send the invites. How do you expectpeople to showup?
7. Expecting Hollywood on a Shoestring
Thinkingyour video willlook like a blockbusteron a budget tighterthan a Scotsman’s wallet? Timeto get real. Authenticity wins the race.
8. The Missing CTA
A video withouta call-to-action islike fish andchips withoutvinegar. It justleaves you wantingmore.
9. Quality Quandaries
Poor videoquality is asappealing asa rainy summerholiday in Skegness. Don’t skimp on the visuals.
10. One Size Fits None
Using the samevideo formatacross all platformsis like wearingwellies to awedding. Tailor your content, folks.
11. Keyword Stuffing: The Video Edition
Jamming keywordsinto your videolike sardines ina tin won’t doyou any favours. Keepit natural.
12. Ignoring the Power of a Natter
Social mediaisn’t just forsharing cat memes; it’s a goldmine for videoengagement. Don‘t be shy; getchatting.
13. Unrealistic Expectations
Expecting yourvideo to competewith the BBC‘s budget? Let‘s not get aheadof ourselves. Keep it realand relatable.
14. The Long and Winding Road
Making your videolonger than aqueue at thepost office isa surefire wayto lose viewers. Keep it shortand sweet.
15. Message Mishmash
Trying tosay too much